The Friend In Your Ear Pod

What Moms Want (5 Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Mother's Day)

Luna Smith Season 1 Episode 13

What do moms want for Mother's Day?

Well, as a mom myself, I have curated five thoughtful gift ideas for every budget. These are gifts for moms from a mom's perspective, like a big insider tip from someone in the thick of this journey. So I hope they give you some inspiration for Mother's Day.

What's in this episode?

  • 5 thoughtful gift ideas, including...
  • a budget-friendly DIY idea that is perhaps more desirable than its more costly professional counterpart
  • a long-lasting budget-friendly gift idea for the sentimentalist
  • a gift that nurtures the nurturer
  • a gift mothers of young children fantasize about
  • and a gift that brings a feeling of high-end self-care into your home in a cost-saving, space-saving way for the moms who live in a state of stress
  • as well as the big secret of what matters to moms most of all

Links to items mentioned in this episode:

Press PLAY for even more ideas! And thanks for listening!


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Hey there. Welcome to the Friend in Your Ear podcast. I'm your host, Luna Smith, and I will be that friend inside your ear. Well, we explore all things self-improvement. I'll share tips, motivation and positivity to help you live your best life. From health and wellness to career and relationships. I've got you covered because that's what friends are for, right?

So tune in every week for a friendly chat to brighten your day. And let's make every day a little better together, shall we, friend? And now on with the show. Hey there. Mother's Day is right around the corner. And if you are listening to this episode, I assume you have a mom you'd like to celebrate or you have a mother figure, the mother of your children.

You have somebody that you would like to give a gift to or celebrate. This Mother's Day for all of the hard work that they do, because mothering is the most difficult job in the world and you do not understand this until you become a mother yourself. Well, let me tell you. So this is a list, a short list that I came up with of things that I think would adequately give back to the women who give so much.

Based on my own experiences as a mother, these are some things that I myself or would have loved to receive, and most of which I've already just gone for myself. But that's it is what it is. So anyway, literally all of his ideas could apply to any mom, I guess, but some more than others. Surfer Basically the overworked mother give her a spa day.

I know this is one that you typically see on lists. A spa. They get her a massage gift card, but I don't mean just that this is a very budget friendly idea. You do not have to spend hundreds of dollars if you do not have that. I think as a mom, the thought matters more than anything. And if you just make the effort to create a spa experience for her at home.

So this is a great idea for, you know, I guess the mother of your children more than anything. It's a lot easier to do. But to create a tranquil space in the bathroom, you obviously need to have a bathtub, but clean the bathroom, surround it with candles, bath salts, put on tranquil music, maybe get a plush robe above Billie beverage, and then you have to take the kids somewhere else so that she can actually enjoy the experience because it is difficult to try to tune out the busyness of life.

If you can still hear the sounds of kids screaming in the other room. So to really maximize this experience and the effort that you're putting into it. Take the kids somewhere else and let her have an hour or two of complete calm and relaxation. And I think the effort of setting this all up will just be such a big gift and make her feel appreciated.

If you do not have this kind of space or you think that she would just appreciate going elsewhere, then yes, you could always opt for a spot, a gift card, but you have to actually make sure she has the opportunity to use it. So keep that in mind. You might have to force or it is a lot easier when it's already set up for you at home.

Same thing works for home, gym and stuff like that. Like you're more likely to do it if it's easy. The path of least resistance is. So set it all up for her and give it as a gift here. Like have this moment of calm and to have like, a clean to spotless bathroom is just the icing on the cake.

So do that for sure, because having like, laundry or anything else in the bathroom is going to detract from the relaxation. All right. Another one. This one is a little more budget friendly as well, depending on what you get jewelry with. Meaning. You've heard me talk about the company mantra band. I love them because their jewelry is high quality and it does not rust like the bands that I've had, I've had for years.

And they look brand new. They do not scratch or rust. It's amazing. Even though I've like, worn them in water and everything and the messages on them can mean a lot. Like I've you've heard me talk on this podcast before a lot of times actually about how the words we tell ourselves matter. So this is such a wonderful gift because though you're only giving it once every time she sees those words on her wrist, she will be reminded.

It's like you were saying it to her again. So it's a constant reminder of your love for her. They have a lot of options. You can find a band that speaks to you and the message that you would like to give to your mother or the mother of your children or mom figure in your life. So there's a lot of opportunity to personalize it.

They have a pendant necklace right now that says Best Mom Ever. That one's a little on the pricier side, but they are having a mother's Day sale. And I think everything's like 20% off right now. And if you would like to support the show, you can actually use my link. I don't know if I'll get credit for this because the mother's Day sale is different, but maybe test it out.

See if you can stack my code on top of the Mother's Day sale because it might work. Go to and you'll see their little link to Mother's Day sale. And it's their suggestions for different jewelry pieces that they think are best for appeal for mom. But you can obviously look at you know other bands but I think that particular categories on the extra Mother's Day sale right now so I think it's already built in pricing.

So there's a good chance you can add in my code to get extra on top of it. But I don't know for sure. I haven't tested it, but it's worth a try. They get a little extra discount, but the bands are very inexpensive in my opinion, especially for how high quality they are. So I would give that a look because it's jewelry with meaning and this is especially a great gift for moms who are sentimental or appreciate words of affirmation.

Like my love language is words of affirmation. So having gifts like this that kind of like speak to you or giving you a reminder of how much someone loves you, just seeing that on your wrist every day is just a such a great gift. It's a gift that keeps giving and it doesn't cost all that much. So I think it's a very thoughtful gift idea.

Another one that is a great gift that keeps on giving, but is definitely on the pricier side is the indoor Gardyn that I've talked about before. However, they're doing an amazing sale right now for 30% off their 2.0 model. And I tested it. And if you put my code THATBLISSFULBALANCE in on top of it, you can get an extra $100 off.

So that's $400 off their 2.0 model, which is pretty insane. So if the the mother in your life that you were looking to give a gift to you really likes gardening or is just a want to be gardener like I am like I do not have a green thumb at all. And that was why I wanted this garden, because it does the work for you.

I just wanted to be able to go and pick fresh produce in my own home. Conveniently. However, there are some people that do like to garden outdoors and I don't know if they would necessarily also appreciate an indoor garden, but maybe they would because you don't have to worry about pests eating your food and you can get produce even when it's pouring rain outside.

And so it's worth looking into. I think it's just a very thoughtful way to nurture the nurturer in your life with an array of easy to grow produce. And it's all the way pesticide free and like I said, extremely easy to grow. It basically does all the work for you, and every once in a while tells you time to add more water.

So it's very convenient and easy for people who do not have green thumbs even. All right, on to the next idea. This is really an idea catered to moms with young children because it's really hard, as you probably know, if you have young kids of your own to sleep through the night. So this idea is to give her a night in a hotel all to herself, just a local hotel.

Just pick one. That is nice with plush bedding, blackout curtains, have her order room service and let her sleep for as long as she wants. Like this is honestly something that I think every mom of young children fantasizes about, Just like the idea of being able to sleep in uninterrupted for as long as you want and have someone else make you breakfast.

I think that was a very thoughtful gift, especially for moms of young children. The cost for that can vary depending on what kind of hotel options you have in your area. This is another idea that's a little on the pricier side, though. They are also doing a mother's Day sale right now, and that is a sauna blanket. This is great for the relaxation challenged moms, the ones that have a really hard time doing self-care or de-stressing and are running on all cylinders 24 seven and suffering from adrenal fatigue, which is probably the bulk of moms.

Again, a sauna blanket being something more economical than a full sized sauna takes up a weightless space. But you still get the majority of the benefits, if not all of the benefits of a traditional sauna. And you can take it anywhere you can travel. So, you know, if all you can get for a moment of escape is to lay it out in your closet.

There you go. You bring it in there. And this is, again, like the path of least resistance. You're more likely to do it if it's convenient. So she may be more likely to actually take a moment to use this sauna blanket. And you can multitask, too. That's like what I do is to if you're going to be like laying there anyway, you might as well listen to an audiobook.

It gets just like a way to stack multiple relaxing behaviors and make it feel more likely to you and more worthwhile. So again, a gift that can keep on giving, just like the garden, just like the mantra band bracelets or pendants. Those are gifts that can keep on giving, which are wonderful gifts for the sake of. It's a constant reminder to her of how much you were thinking about her, which is more bang for your buck, I guess.

However, I think even those other gift ideas that I mentioned, like the hotel and or the spa night that you make at home, although that's a one time thing, it's very thoughtful. Trust me. Like I would love to receive either of those as a mom, especially of young children, where it's very hard to get any time for yourself.

Like I said, bombing is such a hard job and I think we need to do as much as we can to celebrate moms. So you want to take this day to show that you are seeing what she's doing and give appreciation for it and make her feel like the work she's doing is important and appreciated and recognized. It doesn't matter if you do one of these ideas.

I think as long as in what you do makes her feel appreciated and seen, then that's what counts. Because more than anything, moms just want to feel appreciated. We work so hard every day, so whatever you do, you just make sure she's seen, cherished and loved. Handmade gifts are great too. They really are. Anything that looks like you put thought into it, that is what counts.

Moms don't care about the price tags. Let me tell you. We just want to feel like you put thought into it that you were thinking of us, that you were thanking us for all that we do that feels like is going unseen. And I'm not saying that this is a pity party or to shame anyone. It's just more of since being a mother, I've had this revelation of all that happened, all that my mom was doing herself, that I wasn't seeing or didn't even realize was part of being a mom until I was in it myself.

So I'm telling you as a mom, to make your mom feel appreciated, I'm telling you as a mom that there is a lot happening that you do not see. But she certainly feels it constantly. So let her know that you do see her and you do you cherish awe and appreciate all that she does because it is a lot.

Tell her you love her because mothers are magic and mothers really make the world go round. So I hope these ideas are useful and for the sake of convenience I will provide links and the codes etc. for all of these things in the show notes is five ideas. Again, I'll just give a quick rundown Spa Day either made at home, which I think is even more personally, I think that that one's even better than paying for a spell gift card in my opinion, because it shows a lot of thought and effort and it doesn't cost a whole lot on your end, but it still is extremely meaningful jewelry with meaning, the gift that keeps on giving,

constantly seeing. Those are words of affirmation on her wrist and knowing how much you love her on a daily basis, a Gardyn that she can harvest from daily that again will remind her of the thought you put into it and how much you were thinking of her and wanting to nurture the nurturer. A reprieve from the chaos of life by having a night in a nice hotel all to herself with a room service and zero obligations and as much sleep as she wants.

And five a sauna blanket to bring relaxation into a way that she can do daily anywhere, or that she can get a little bit of time to herself and hopefully will use that daily as well for some self-care, which I think moms are very much in need of. I think we need to normalize that. Self-care is important for moms.

I think we've gotten into some kind of rut where it feels like there's just so much pressure and so much going. And they say that taking care of children is supposed to take a village, but so many of us do not have villages anymore. So mothers are bearing an even bigger burden than they have in the past. And I think we need to make bigger efforts to show appreciation to moms because of it.

So it doesn't matter if you take one of the ideas that I've given, but whatever you do, please put thought into it and please make her feel appreciated. It will matter. So much. Tell your mom you love her. Tell the mother of your children that you see her and that she's doing a good job. Tell anyone you see that she's doing a good job.

It is a phrase that is not uttered often enough that makes all the difference in the world because she is doing a good job. She's doing the best she can. And there is a lot happening behind the wheel that we do not see. And if you are a mom, let me tell you, you are doing great. You are doing a good job.

You are doing the hardest job in the world. And we make mistakes because we are not perfect. And it is hard work, but it is the best work. So great job, Mama. Thanks again for listening and thank you for letting me be the friend inside your ear this week. The friend in your ear telling you to tell your mom you love her and that she is an amazing mom.

I'll see you next time.