The Friend In Your Ear Pod

The Things We Tell Ourselves

Season 1 Episode 4

Did you know you can rewrite your reality with the things that you think?

This week's episode is a particularly motivational and inspirational pep talk (from a friend in your ear) aimed at reminding you of the immense power words hold over our lives, and how we can change our reality through the things we tell ourselves.  

If you want to know how you can change your life with the power of words or if you've just been stuck in a negative thought-loop about yourself and need to flip that switch, then I hope you'll continue to listen till the end. 

 This is an episode you'll want to save and listen to again and again. 

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Hey there. Welcome to the Friend in Your Ear podcast. I'm your host, Luna Smith, and I will be that friend inside your ear. Well, we explore all things self-improvement. I'll share tips, motivation and positivity to help you live your best life. From health and wellness to career and relationships. I've got you covered because that's what friends are for, right?

So tune in every week for a friendly chat to brighten your day. And this week, every day. A little better together. Shall we, friend? And now on with the show. Hey there. Thank you for tuning in to today's show. I want to let you know that it's a little different than the past shows. Maybe you're not too different.

I guess a lot of them have been kind of motivational, but this one is mostly all motivational. I tend to get it very passionate about the power of words and thoughts. So it kind of turned into more of a inspiring motivational pep talk. So if you are in need of that and need of a reminder about how important words are and the the stories that we tell ourselves, then please listen.

And if you know anyone who needs that kind of pep talk, I hope you'll pass this along, because I think it's so important. So if you want to know how you can change your life with the things you tell yourself, then I hope you'll continue to listen till the end. And thank you for letting me be the friend inside your ear.

Okay, let's get started. Words are immensely powerful. They can influence our lives positively and negatively. It's absolutely insane how much power words hold over us. But it makes sense because our our thoughts are made of words and our thoughts can truly impact our lives. So the words that we hear, whether we tell them to ourselves or someone else's, telling them to us, it can change us.

It can change our reality, our world. And and thus we want to be very particular about the things we tell ourselves because the things we tell ourselves matter. So if you have been telling yourself some not so nice things, or if someone in your life has been telling you things that do not make you feel great. Things that bring you down.

Things that make you feel stuck. If it's been the narrative that you've been fed your entire life, that you're too fat, too thin, too uneducated, too poor to whatever it may be, if someone has been telling you that you are up to something, that you are not enough, you need to know that you can change that. What they're telling you is not your reality.

It is not true. You write your reality. Don't let them. Don't let that negative person write your reality. You have the power to rewrite that reality. Your reality. We write our stories. Sure, there are going to be unexpected plot twists thrown in along the way because that's life. We can't control everything. But the one thing that we can control is what we think about those things, how we frame them, our thoughts, the words, the things we tell ourselves.

That is what we can control. And that is extremely powerful. Because those words, those things that we tell ourselves, that gives us the power to change our narrative and to change our life. So let's talk about the power of words. How can we change our lives just through words? You know that saying the pen is mightier than the sword?

That's absolutely true. Just think about it. Think about how much our world has changed, how much it's been influenced by speech, by the things that people say, how they articulate them, how they influence us with words. Words are so powerful. And if words have that kind of power. Imagine the kind of power that you are wielding over yourself with the things you tell yourself.

Do you wake up in the morning and see yourself in the mirror and think, Oh, I look so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. And you tell it to yourself all day, just repeating that you are tired and you probably are. You probably feel tired. But if you keep telling yourself, I'm so tired, you're just continuing to feed that narrative and you will continue to feel tired.

It's insane. I've actually tried this before where, you know, having a small child, I do often feel very tired. And I remember one day just continuing to kind of say that to my head like, Oh my gosh, I'm so tired. I'm so tired. And then I thought, What if I flip that switch? What if I tell myself that I am very awake and I feel very energized?

And I just kept saying that to myself. Just like convincing myself that I felt energized. I am not tired. I have so much energy. I feel so awake. And strangely, I found myself feeling more awake. It's worth a try with something as simple as that. So the things that we tell ourselves truly matter. They matter. And it may feel hard to slip that switch if you have been fed a negative narrative your entire life, if you've been continuing to feed that narrative because you believe the things that someone else told you, whether that be parents or another loved one in your life friends, family, teachers, society, anyone telling you that you are not enough or

that you are too much of something, whatever that thing is that you've been told by people of power, people who had the power to build you up and instead tried to push you down. Those people, if you've been fed that narrative, you believe it. You start to believe it, especially if you've been fed that narrative your whole life.

So it's going to be hard to flip that switch. But I want you to know that those things that you've been told, it's not true. It's not real. But when we believe them, because of how powerful words are, when we believe those words, we can subconsciously make those things true because we make decisions based on those things, because we've been told that narrative.

We believe that narrative to be true, but it doesn't have to be. If you can change your thoughts, you can change your life. The things we tell ourselves matter. And whether you yourself have been saying words to yourself that are not so kind or someone else in your life has been feeding you that story. And you believe it and you believe these words and these things about yourself that aren't kind.

You can change that. You can completely alter your reality just by changing your beliefs about yourself. Rewrite your story, and it's going to be hard if you believe those things, those negative things that you've been told by whichever people in your life have been telling you them. Because trust me, we've all been told those things and they don't have to be true.

They aren't true. And it will be hard to switch your thinking if you've been having those thoughts. It's like, you know, they've been wired into you and you're going to have to do some rewiring. But you can and it is possible. And you can just need to believe it. Just believe it. I know it's easier said than done, but if you are having a hard time believing it, then I will believe it for you for now, until you get there.

I believe you are strong. I believe you are capable. I believe you are creative and resourceful. I believe you are confident. I believe you are beautiful. I believe you are worthy. And I believe you can do whatever you set your mind to. You just have to think at first. You just have to feel it first. You just have to believe in yourself first.

Believe in your words, in their power. Believe that you are the one wielding the pen in your own story and you can write it however you want. You can navigate around all of those plot twists and obstacles and terrible things that may happen. Because even though we can't control that, we can't control all of those things. We can control how they make us feel, how they influence our lives.

We have that control. We have the control of our thoughts that is the one thing that can never be taken away from you are your thoughts, your beliefs. There's a quote by Don Miguel Ruiz that says, You are what you believe you are. So believe you are great, believe you are beautiful. Believe you are confident, believe you are capable of and creative and resourceful.

And you will always find a way and you will always find the worth in everything. And you yourself are worthy. You just need to believe in yourself, believe that you can do great things, believe that you are not stuck, believe that you have great things coming to you. You are not living a life of poverty. You are living a life of abundance.

And there are so many blessings coming your way. Believe in that. Believe that every obstacle is a lesson to be learned. Believe that it is making you stronger. Believe that you are capable and worthy and confident. These things we tell ourselves, they matter. They matter so much. The thoughts we choose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.

Louise Hay wrote that and it is so true. The thoughts we choose to think, the thoughts we choose to think we have that power. So instead of looking yourself in the mirror and thinking to yourself that you're too fat to ugly, to skinny, to tall, to whatever it may be, don't think those things I know. Of course they might be wired in at this point and you may just automatically go there.

But if you force yourself to say the opposite of that negative thing, if you force yourself to say something positive about yourself, you will start to believe it. Because that negative thing or remember that negative thing is not the truth. That's just the narrative you've been told. But you write your narrative. So whatever that negative thing is, if you think you're ugly, look at yourself in the mirror every morning and say, I am beautiful.

I am confident, I am worthy of great things. And if it's hard for if it's hard to tell these words to yourself, then just seeing a visual reminder, seeing them written, write them to yourself. Write them on a Post-it note, write it in your notebook. Write it on a board that you see on the wall and write it as your desktop background.

Or wear a bracelet. Find words that speak to you, that remind and you of your power, of your beauty, and read them constantly until you believe them. Because words matter. The things we tell ourselves matter. One more quote from the late Albus Dumbledore. Words are in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it.

Words. The things we tell ourselves. It is pure magic. It really is. Those words shape our reality and they can inflict injury on us. They can also heal us. They can make us better. So knowing that, knowing that words are magic and that it is our own personal magic and it is magic we have control over that is within us all.

Knowing that what words are you going to tell yourself? Why would you tell yourself things that make you feel bad? Things that injure yourself? Don't believe those things. Even if other people have made you believe those things your entire life. It does not make them true. Use your magic. What do you want to be true? Say those things to yourself.

Because the things we tell ourselves, the things we repeat, those get stuck in our heads. Those get stuck in our brain. Those get etched into our souls and those become our reality. So if you keep telling yourself positive things, those negative words that have been influence in your life get pushed out by the new positive things, those rewrites, because you can rewrite your story.

So why would you want to continue writing it in a negative way? Why would you want to tell yourself constantly that you are not worthy when you are a race? Those negative thoughts replace them with things that you want to be. Even if you don't believe them yet, if you continue to tell yourself those new positive things, those become rewired into your system.

That is your new reality. Rewrite your story. You have that power. You've had that power. All along and you have it back now and you can rewrite your story. What story will you write about yourself? What story will be the story of your life, of your reality? I hope you make it a good one because you are worthy.

You are deserving. You are strong. You are capable. And I believe in you. And I hope soon you believe in you, too. And just remember to give yourself grace. It's a process rewiring our beliefs about ourselves is definitely a process, especially when you've had those beliefs for your whole life. But it's not impossible and it starts with just saying nice things about yourself.

Just start small. Just pick one nice thing you want to say and try your best to say it as often as you can. And if you slip up and you find yourself back in that negative cycle, forgive yourself and just flip that switch. Say the nice thing instead. Now go rewrite your story. Go make some magic. I believe in you.

Well, I hope this podcast was a confidence booster for anyone who needs it. If you know someone who needs to be reminded of the power they have over their own lives, over their own realities. Someone who needs a reminder that their thoughts can truly influence their lives, that they need to be kinder to themselves. If you know anyone like that, please share this with them and let them know that you care.

Because anyone, any kind of support, anyone that believes in you, that can make a huge difference. But the most important of all is you and your belief in you. So if you have that, you have everything. And if this podcast was helpful for you, please pass it along to anyone you think could use this message. And I hope that you will tune in next week when we really are going to hone in on how exactly we can love ourselves and our bodies.

So if that's of interest to you, make sure you tune back next week. Thank you so much for listening to the friend in your ear pod. Thank you for letting me be the friend inside your ear, feeding you hopefully inspiring positive messages about how important it is to tell ourselves nice things. To really take them to heart. Because there's a lot of negativity in the world.

There really is. But you have the power to influence your own reality. So let's make it a good one. Let's write that story. Let's make it uplifting and positive and happy. And I hope you'll come back for more friendly advice and pep talks. I hope you have a great rest of your week. See you next time. Uh, if you were looking for an easy visual reminder to remind yourself of your power or whichever message you need to be reminded of.

Be sure to check out mantra band dot com. I own multiple mantra bands and I select which one I'm going to wear each day based on what message I feel like. I need to be reminded of. And you can actually get 10% off your order if you go to and use code THATBLISSFULBALANCE and get yourself a mantra that really speaks to you.

One that reminds you of how worthy you are, how great you are, whatever reminder you think will be best for you to see visually on your wrist every day. Because remember, the things we tell ourselves matter. So make it count.